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printed menu napkins

Lowcountry Wedding {Details}

Can we talk about some of my favorite Lowcountry wedding details?!  I thought so :)  The coast of South Carolina is home to a few of my favorite beach towns: Hilton Head, Charleston and Myrtle Beach.  These coastal cities are full of Southern charm and have a distinct Lowcountry personality that makes our weddings every Southern girl’s dream! charleston weddings

These chairs are wonderful and when teamed up with those fabulous fans you’ve got pure perfection.   They’ll give your guests and extra breeze as they watch your intimate ‘I do’s’.  I’m picturing an gorgeous, outdoor ceremony under the grand Oaks with a beautiful Plantation home in the background.  Swoon.

charleston wedding vendors

Menus on printed on napkins…yes, please!  What an elegant touch to any place setting.  I just hope I wouldn't get it dirty!

charleston wedding blogs

Don’t you just love this idea?  Place note cards on each table with fun questions printed atop each one.  Throughout the reception guests have the opportunity to leave their comments on the card(s) of their choice.  I can only imagine how amusing/inappropriate the answers could get as the evening goes on.  How much fun would it be to read over their answers when you return from your honeymoon with a bottle of wine?  Tons!

hilton head weddings

I just had to include this.  I can’t think of a better way to really get your guests excited about your upcoming nuptials then to let them know there is going to be some serious celebrating taking place and you need to know what tunes get them out of their seats.  Forget the entrée choices, just make sure we’ve got some ‘Party in the USA’ and ‘Tootsie Roll’…you know what I mean!?

Myrtle Beach weddings

Joy Thigpen, just stop it with your seaside perfection.  I love everything about this.  It is oh-so Lowcountry.  Not only do I love the grey linen but that oyster garland is pure heaven.  If done right, and it’s done so right here, oyster shells are a laid back but chic touch.

lowcountry weddings

I had to share these star lanterns.  What a beautiful touch to this Southern soiree.  They’ve got a clean, modern feel that would a darling addition to any tented reception under the Lowcountry stars.

southern weddings

Monogrammed veil, nuff said!

myrtle beach wedding vendors

How fantastic would an eclectic mix of candles be lining the aisle.  Dreamy...