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Lowcountry Wedding Favors

It's a question on every bride's mind...what on earth am I going to give as favors? OR should I even going to spend money on favors?  Now let's be serious, we've all chunked many-a cheesy wedding favors in trash (and rightfully so!) but with all the inspiration the Lowcountry offers, there must be a handful of memorable (and useable) surcees your wedding guests can appreciate.  For instance, maybe our Hilton Head brides can send their guests home with a little sweet tea for the road (Firefly, anyone?), or maybe your Charleston folks would enjoy some classic benne wafers or sweet pralines (I know I would!). What about some grits with your favorite shrimp and grits recipe for your Myrtle Beach affair?  Take a look at a few of our favorites and leave us a note if you've got a local favorite we forgot! Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, sweet tea, favors

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Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, sweet tea, favors

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Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, favors