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tiffany and jim

Boone Hall Plantation {Tiffany + Jim}

Y’all, after much anticipation, it’s finally Friday!  I’m not sure what’s been with this crazy, busy month of May, but I can promise you I will definitely be welcoming the weekend come 5 o’clock.  There is a glass, or 4, of wine in my future! As you may have heard, we’ve just brought on a crew of talented new interns who are ready bring the lovely to our Lowcountry brides this summer.  To say I’m excited to have these girls on staff is quite the understatement.  With their help, we’ll be hand-selecting some of the finest weddings from the Carolina coast to show off to our favorite Lowcountry ladies!  More details to come next week, but if you’re interested in submitting, send ‘em on over to hello{at}

charleston weddings

When you’re in the market for a Southern wedding venue, it’s hard to deny what Boone Hall Plantation has to offer.  Right outside of Charleston, South Carolina in beautiful Mount Pleasant, you’ll find a sprawling plantation dripping in Old World beauty.  There’s cotton fields and magnificent Oak trees, picturesque views of the marsh and lush gardens,all of which are immersed in the rich history of the Lowcountry.  Perfect, right?  Well, it’s no secret that brides and grooms flock to the romantic setting for, not only their wedding day, but also to snap a few pre-wedding day engagement shots.  Our talented friend Priscilla Thomas Photography recently met up with the adorable Tiffany + Jim as they took in the sights and enjoyed the afternoon at the historic plantation.  Happy Friday!

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