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burnett's boards

Blogger Spotlight: Sara Burnett of Burnett's Boards

Today, we're kicking off a new series that I'm super excited to share with you.  Over the next few months, we'll be highlighting some of my favorite wedding bloggers to hear how they got their start and what keeps their creative juices flowing, so they can continue to inspire all of us day-after-day.  First up, is my favorite Hawaiian lady, the lovely Mrs. Sara Burnett of Burnett's Boards... Burnett's Boards

Name: Sara Burnett

Blog: Burnett's Boards

Year that Burnett’s Boards started: 2012

Hometown: currently in Honolulu but have lived all over the US & in the UK

College/Major: I had two: Russian & Political Science at Rice University

Tell us a little bit about yourself…and by a little, we mean a lot! I'm a crazy cat lady with a passion for weddings and traveling the Pacific Islands! I devour books like there's no tomorrow and enjoy my daily swims.

Give us a little background on how Burnett’s Boards came to life: It was a total fluke. I started in a whim while I was teaching mostly because I had discovered Pinterest, fell in love with it, and decided that wedding inspiration boards were the greatest things ever. It took 6 months but it blew up one day - like from me and my mom looking at to a post that went viral at the end of 2012 so I kept nursing it - learned about self-hosting, and set up a proper blog. Now it's my full-time job.

What has been your proudest accomplishment since launching Burnett’s Boards?  Bringing new clients and fans to the creatives who I've featured. That always makes my day when I hear that from them. Also - working on inspiration shoots. It's such a great experience and I love seeing wedding pros in action!

Your Top Five Favorite Posts from Burnett’s Boards:

  1. Banana Grove Shoot

    Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

  2.  Orchid Veil Bridals 

    Burnett's Boards

  3.  Abandoned Mansion Inspiration Shoot with flower-filled piano

    Burnett's Boards

  4. Ethereal bridal Shootfrom Russia

    Burnett's Boards

  5. and of course THIS shoot that I modeled in with my husband & our friends

    Burnett's Boards

What blogs provide you daily inspiration to keep your creative juices flowing (non-wedding related)? Most of the blog reading I do is for blogging: Pro Blogger, Copy Blogger, Digi Day, and Nubby Twiglet

What is the one tip you wish you could tell every bride as she plans her big day? Hire a wedding planner. They are the best investment ever and they're worth their weight in gold. No matter how big or small your wedding is, you should enjoy the process and the day and a wedding planner ensures that this happens.

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach, Savannah Weddings

One crazy fun fact we wouldn’t know about you: My cat Oliver has a little closet full of clothes & I dress him up - a lot. He loves it.

In three words, sum up your own personal style: Pointy Toe Pumps

Top Five All-time favorite TV Shows:

  1. Battlestar Galactica
  2. Sex and the City
  3. VEEP
  4. Game of Thrones
  5. Survivor

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach, Savannah Weddings

It’s Friday and you just cashed your paycheck what’s your first splurge? Food + Wine

Favorite Item of Clothing: Jean Jacket

If you were a major league baseball player, what would be your ‘at-bat’ song? Any current Eastern European dance anthem.

Favorite summer beverage: Gin & Tonic

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach, Savannah Weddings

Current favorite color combo obsession: anything monochromatic and entirely neutral

Most Inspiring Quote: Honestly I have no idea - I can never remember them!

Must have wedding detail: a big smile!

What is your advice to newlyweds for a successful marriage? Purchase or rent a home with two sinks in the master bathroom!



Dying to see more of Burnett's Boards?

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