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The Sophia Collection l The Art of Etiquette Vow Books


The Art of Etiquette

Handcrafted Wedding Vow Books

The Sophia Collection


If you’re planning on writing your own vows, vow books are the perfect place to write them down - much better than loose pieces of paper! Not only are they a practical spot to record your meaningful words but they make a wonderful keepsake you can have for years to come. We recently had the chance to check out The Sophia Collection from The Art of Etiquette and were totally impressed by the quality of the entire package. These perfectly bound books with metallic foil covers are meticulously hand-crafted and rich in detail to hold each couple’s unique story.


In each package, you’ll receive two vow books — one for the bride and one for the groom — which are six inches tall. The ideal size to be able to tote down the aisle. Inside, you’ll find 14 rules pages and a satin bookmark which are secured with a bone clasp enclosure. Thoughtfully, the team at The Art of Etiquette also tucked away 2 first anniversary love notes, envelopes and wax seals in the closing pages to ensure you write down the emotions of your big day which you can share on your one year anniversary (the year of paper!).


To round out the collection, you’ll find 10 practice sheets and a vow writing tip booklet to help you get started on the daunting taske (we get it — writing vows are hard!) to assist you cultivating rich and meaningful words to share with your significant other. The entire box has been artfully designed and we were so impressed by the thought put into each piece. Want to snag The Sophia Collection for your big day? You can purchase it here. BUT, if you want to win one, head on over to our instagram account for giveaway details.




Phone: 610-705-2492