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25 Robes to Wear The Morning of Your Wedding

Image via Landon Jacob

Image via Landon Jacob

25 Robes to Wear The Morning of Your Wedding

Ladies, we know your gown is the main event but let’s not forget that your photographer will be on hand when you’re getting ready earlier in the day. So, it’s important to make sure your attire is photo-ready while you’re sipping mimosas with bridesmaids. Our suggestion? Score yourself a beautiful robe which will not only look like a dream in pictures but is also a practical choice so you won’t mess up your hair and makeup! We rounded up a handful of our current favorites which range in colors, length and fabric. But regardless of which one your favorite is, we know all 25 robes will be comfy and stylish to rock the morning of your wedding day!

Juliette Embroidered Robe

Juliette Embroidered Robe