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welcome guide

Charleston Welcome Guide {Wedding Details}

When planning a Charleston wedding, more often than not, you'll probably be expecting quite a few out-of-town guests who aren't too familiar with the area.  To assist your wedding travelers, it's important to make sure they are aware of all the best attractions: restaurants, historical sites, name it!  They can google the Holy City all day long but it's important to hear your recommendations to ensure they really get to experience everything Charleston has to offer.  It's your chance to show them why Charleston was your city of choice! Kristie from Say LULLOW Creative assisted Meghan + Jon in creating the perfect Charleston guide to welcome their guests.  The couple compiled some of their favorite places to "eat, drink and be merry" in varying price ranges that they thought their guests would enjoy.  Kristie has kindly offered our A Lowcountry Wedding readers a 10% discount on their very own Charleston guide.  To receive the discount, enter the coupon code SAYLULLOWLOWCOUNTRY at the Say LULLOW Creative Etsy Shop and make sure to contact Kristie for any custom products.
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Charleston weddings blog, welcome guide, lowcountry weddings blog,
charleston weddings, Charleston weddings blog, welcome guide, lowcountry weddings blog, southern weddings
Charleston weddings blog, welcome guide, lowcountry weddings blog,
charleston weddings, Charleston weddings blog, welcome guide, lowcountry weddings blog, southern weddings
charleston weddings, Charleston weddings blog, welcome guide, lowcountry weddings blog, southern weddings
charleston weddings, Charleston weddings blog, welcome guide, lowcountry weddings blog, southern weddings
All images via Say LULLOW Creative