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the brick house kitchen

Meghan + Jon's Charleston Rehearsal Dinner at Brick House Kitchen

Today we're sharing Meghan + Jon's Wedding Weekend from Kristie of Say LULLOW Creative!  Over the weekend, the couple hosted some fabulous Lowcountry events at two of Charleston's favorite venues to celebrate their big day.  They kicked off the wedding events with a rehearsal dinner at the James Island's Brick House Kitchen.  The Brick House Kitchen is the perfect low-key venue if you're thinking of treating your guest to a Lowcountry boil or an Oyster Roast in a relaxed atmosphere.  Isn't it perfect?!  Later this afternoon, we'll be sharing their nuptials at Old Wide Awake Plantation.
charleston weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings
charleston weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings
charleston rehearsal dinner
charleston weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings
charleston weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings
charleston rehearsal dinner

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