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southern living weddings

Southern Living Weddings {Giveaway}

Our friends over at Southern Living recently released their annual Weddings publication and, as luck should have it, there’s a whole lot of Lowcountry loving going on!  Our wonderful Charleston CVB  has some prime real estate and a gorgeous coastal presence throughout the issue.  One of our favorites, Charleston wedding vendor Virgil Bunao Photography is featured with Lindsay + Brad’s oh-so-lovely RiverOaks wedding.  Not only will each copy provide you with a little dose of the coast we all love the most, it is also filled to the brim with the perfect Southern wedding details that we all love so dearly.  Lucky for you gals, the team at Southern Living has decided to offer our Lowcountry readers ONE brand spanking new copy of their latest must-have Southern weddings Bible!  Interested in scoring a copy?  That’s what I thought you'd say.  To win, just head over to our facebook page, give us a 'like' and leave us a comment telling us how badly you need to have this beauty!   The winner will be announced next Friday! charleston weddings

southern living weddings

myrtle beach weddings

hilton head weddings

lowcountry weddings