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myrtle beach weddings coordinators

Myrtle Beach Weddings {Stunning & Brilliant Events}

Now, don't get me wrong, married life is heaven, but I'll tell you what...being engaged was a blast!  It's an exciting time and I hope everyone takes full advantage of all the showers, cake tasting, venue tours and all the fabulous wedding related events.  You don't need to tell me, I know the whole planning process can be truly overwhelming (stressful, crazy...pick your choice of adjective!) but Lowcountry brides are in luck!  The Myrtle Beach wedding planners at Stunning & Brilliant Events are hosting a 3-hour interactive seminar on September 9th that is catered to you.  With what's sure to be a laundry list of the Lowcountry's top wedding vendors to assist and educate, this will be an event I promise you don't want to miss this.  Don't wait to RSVP, it's limited to a handful of lucky brides.  

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