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William Aiken House Wedding {Sarah + Steven}

This weekend was kind of epic.  Not only did the weather finally shape up, but we had the honor of attending the 1st Draft a Celebrity Tournament at Kiawah Island's Ocean Course.  It was a BLAST, and we may have even met Bill Murray!  So, as we attempt to leave the weekend behind and dive into Monday morning, we have a feeling this lovely William Aiken House wedding will be just what the doctor order to slap a smile on your face.   Sarah + Steven's romantic Fall bash was dressed up with beautiful white flowers and dusty millers from the talented ladies of Out of HandFish treated guests to delicious cuisine while Cupcake topped things of with tasty treats.  Thanks to White Wave Photography for capturing all the details! charleston weddings, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddingscharleston weddings, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

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Charleston Wedding Vendors

Photographer: White Wave Photography  /  Venue: William Aiken House  /  Florist: Out of Hand  /  Catering: Fish  /  Desserts: Cupcake   /  AV: Eklipse Productions