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Introducing the Wedding Woes

Here at A Lowcountry Wedding we strive to bring to life the best of local weddings on a regular basis. With the area's skilled vendors, top of the line venues, and the incomparable beauty of the Carolina lowcountry putting together a picture perfect moment seems almost effortless. However we know from experience, just as well as you do, that a lot more happens behind the scenes as the journey to the altar progresses.

charleston weddings

While the final result may be flawless, weddings can bring out the worst in people – from bridezilla to the absent maid of honor – its incredible the drama that can arise in the midst of all that planning! As a bride, bridesmaid, or just a friend, we’ve all found our self in the midst of pre-marital mayhem so we decided to create the Wedding Woes. The purpose of the Wedding Woes series is to share real life stories with our readers with the hopes you can relate them to your current frustrations, laugh while remembering past disasters, and at the end of the day come away a little wiser.

a lowcountry wedding blog

And as with any good story, there is always a lesson to be learned, so the ALW team will be putting together our noggins to  come up with the best way to (try!) and avoid all the drama so the special day goes off without a hitch!

So let’s hear it ladies! Email submissions to And don’t fret, absolute discretion will be enforced!