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asheville weddings

Southern Weddings {Jaclyn} Asheville

We're off to celebrate the Holidays with our wonderful family and friends and while the weather here in Charleston has been a consistent 70-ish degrees for the past what feels like forever, I'm kind of dying for some cold weather to get a little more in the Christmas-y spirit, and if I could get some snow...well, that would just be about perfect.    So while I keep daydreaming about Southern Weddings and snow, y'all can check out Jillian's winter bridal session from Pasha Belman Photography.  It took place in Asheville, one of my favorite Southern cities, and it is so stinkin' beautiful I almost can't stand it.  So to all of our favorite ALW readers, we are so thankful for your support and we wish you the happiest of Holidays.  Here's to 2014!

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Southern Wedding Vendors

Photographer:  Pasha Belman Photography