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Brittany's Bridal Session in Downtown Charleston

Brittany's Bridal Portraits  l  Charleston SC Wedding Vendors


Downtown Charleston Bridal Portraits

From the photographer: “Brittany and I had been planning her bridal portraits for months and when we both saw the weather forecast for the day of we almost cried. It was supposed to be STORMING all day! Lightning, thunder and pouring down rain. Luckily, we both decided to give it a shot and just bring something for Brittany to stand on so her dress didn't get dirty. Well, the day ended up absolutely beautiful with no rain or storm cloud in sight. It wasn't too cold or too hot; it was absolutely perfect weather. I took it as a sign that this was just meant to be! Downtown Charleston was glowing. We walked down Chalmers Street, walked up the stairs of Hibernian Hall to the checkered floors, and finished up at The Battery. We spent the afternoon laughing, talking and taking tons of beautiful bridal portraits.”

Event Venue:Historic Downtown Charleston // Floral Designer: Charleston Flower Market // Dress Store: Gown Boutique of Charleston // Photographer: Catherine Hurt Photography

Submitted via Two Bright Lights