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23 Earrings Perfect For Your Summer Wedding Wardrobe

Colorful Earrings for Summer Wedding Season

Colorful Earrings for Summer Wedding Season

Temps in the Lowcountry have risen (hello, 90’s!) which means it’s officially summertime. And when our favorite warm weather season rolls in, our weekend wedding commitments tend to crowd our social calendar. Which means our closets must be stocked with the cutest maxi dresses, espadrilles and wedges for a photo-worthy few months. And to accessories our fabulous wardrobes, we’ve rounded up a collection of our favorite colorful earrings for summer wedding season. There are tassels, flamingos, beads, rattan and even a few seriously affordable (under $15) pairs straight from Amazon. So, get your scroll on and snag a few of these cuties, pronto!