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18 Luxe Wedding Invitations from Minted That You’ll Love


18 Luxe Wedding Invitations from Minted That You’ll Love

My good friend from Atlanta is tying the knot in an intimate ceremony this November. A few weeks ago, I was excited to open up her wedding invitation and found a GORGEOUS suite that included, not only the invitation itself but a reply card and an info card listing all of the hotel information and local happenings on the upcoming fall weekend. To top it all off, they were beautifully addressed and it was all done effortlessly via Minted. How great is that?! I’ve always been a fan of Minted (I used them for my daughter’s 1st birthday invitations) and truly appreciate the quality and amazing design (there are so many!), so I thought I’d round up a handful of my current favorites for any brides in search of the perfect wedding invitations.