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Minted's Top 15 Save The Dates Designs

Save The Date Designs from Minted

So, your husband-to-be has popped the question, you, of course, said “YES!” and now you’ve started checking things off your wedding planning to-do list. Once you’ve secured your venues, locked down a date and put the guest list wheels in motion, we HIGHLY suggest you send out your save-the-dates. When planning a Lowcountry wedding, whether a destination soiree or if you’re tying the knot locally, more often than not you’ll have guests traveling from all across the country to join you on your big day - so give them plenty of time to plan their travels by making sure they pencil your wedding date on their calendar. To help you along, we’ve rounded up 15 of our favorite Save the Date designs from one of our favorite online stores, Minted, which offers elegant modern designs and even some fabulous foil-pressed details!