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Cassidy & Matt // Magnolia Plantation & Gardens

Magnolia Plantation & Gardens engagement by Red Boat Photography

For Cassidy & Matt, the sparks flew while they were both working in the emergency room.  The adventurous couple made a trip to Charleston, South Carolina for a romantic March engagement session with Red Boat Photography in honor of their upcoming wedding.  The sunrise shoot started early along The Battery when the weather was a cool, crisp fifty-seven degrees.  But the couple took the cool weather like a champ and the images were definitely worth it!  Afterwards, they headed north to Magnolia Plantation & Gardens where the soft, Spring sunlight filtered through the ancient oak trees.


Check out the CHARLESTON WEDDING VENDORS who created it...

Venue: Magnolia Plantation & Gardens  //  Photographer: Red Boat Photography

Having your wedding in Charleston, SC?  Check out our favorite vendors and venues?  Oh, and if you need help securing guest rooms for your wedding, let us help you secure your hotel group blocks!